Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Software engineering Mid -2 questions

                                         SE Questions Bank


    1) Explain the Object Constraint Language?
    2) Define Coupling?
    3) Explain the difference between coupling and cohesion?

1a). Discuss about the designing class-based components?
   b). Explain the different types of coupling and cohesion concepts?
2. a). List and explain the conventional components?
    b).Describe the Golden Rules of User Interface Design?
 3. a). Discuss the user interface analysis and design?
     b) Explain the Design Evaluation process?


1) Define Unit Testing?
2) Discuss the Integration Testing?
3) Describe Validation Testing?
4) Define Smoke Testing?
5) List out various Product Metrics?
6) Define Software Measurement?

    1 a) Explain the Strategic approach to software testing?
       b) Describe the test strategies of conventional software?
    2. a) Explain the Black Box Testing?
        b) Discuss about the White Box Testing?
    3. a) Describe the Art of Debugging?
        b) Explain about the Metrics for Analysis?
   4. a) List and explain the metrics of Design?
     b) Explain the metrics of testing phase?
  5. a) Explain Objectives of testing?
     b) What are the principles of testing?
  6. a) Describe the process of Product Revision?
    b) Discuss about the Product Transpose?


  1) Define Reactive Risk Strategy?
  2) Define proactive Risk Strategy?
  3) Expand RMMM Plan?
  4) Describe the different categories of business risk?
  5) Explain about the technical risk?
  6) Define software quality?


  1. a)Explain the risk management?                                      
     b) Discuss the risk mitigation?
  2. a)Explain about the risk monitoring & management?
     b) Elaborate the RMMM plan?
  3. a)Differentiate between known risk and predictable risk?
     b) Explain the risk management principles?
  4. a) Discuss  the statistical software quality assurance?
     b) Explain the six sigma principles for the software engineering?
  5. a)Explain about the ISO 2000 standard?
    b) Compare the reliability and the availability metric?
  6. a)Define  guidelines for the review meeting?
    b) Explain the variation control & the cost of the quality?


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