1. List the classes in in classful addressing and define the applications of each class.
2. Give taxonomy of options in IPV4.
3. What is congestion in a network?
4.Give the classification of routing tables and Explain.
5. Explain about types of messages in ICMP.
6. Explain about autonomous system?
1. a)List three transition strategies to move from IPv4 to IPv6 with a neat diagram for each strategy.
b) What is the difference between connectionless and connection-oriented services. Which type of service is provided by IPv4.
2. a) Explain about ARP and RARP in detail.
b) Explain about distance vector routing with an example.
3. a)Explain about source based tree and group shared tree with diagrams.
b) Explain about flooding and Reverse path forwarding.
4. a) Give the taxonomy of common multicast routing protocols and explain about Distance vector Multicast routing protocol.
b) What is the purpose of BGP?Explain
5.a) Explain about hierarchical routing .
b) Describe the common fields in routing table.
6. a) Explain about count to infinity problem.
b)Explain the following in detail
i)Direct &Indirect delivery ii)Forwarding
1.What is connection oriented service?
2. Explain about CIDR.
3.Give any five well known ports for UDP.
4.Give any three uses of UDP.
5.Explain about socket address.
6.Explain about client/server paradigm.
1.a) Explain about open loop congestion control?
b)Explain UDP operation in detail.
2. a)Give user datagram format and explain each field.
b)Explain about IGMP message format and explain each field.
3. a)Explain about crash Recovery.
b) Explain about Dynamic host configuration protocol
4. a) Define fragmentation and explain why the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols need to fragment some packet.
b) Compare IPv4 and IPv6 Headers.
5. a)Give the format of an IPv6 datagram and explain each field.
b)Explain about maximum transfer unit.
6.a)Explain the need for options in IPv4 and list the options.
b)Explain any two techniques to improve quality of service.
1.What are the internet transport protocols.
2.Give the position of UDP,TCP and SCTP in TCP/IP suite with a diagram.
3.What are the control fields in a segment.explain
4.Explain about a namespace.
5.What are the two main categories of DNS messages.
6.How are new domains added to DNS?
1. a)Explain about TCP services in detail.
b)Give the format of TCP segment and explain each field in it.
2.a)Explain about connection establishment in TCP.
b)Explain about flow control in TCP.
3.a)Explain the concept of fast retransmission..
b) Explain about congestion control in TCP.
4.a)Explain distribution of name space.
b)Explain about FTP in detail.
5.a) Give the architecture of www and explain about HTTP.
b)Explain about Electronic mail.
6.a) Explain about TELNET in detail.
b)Define the following
i)Client ii) Server iii)URL iv)Cookie
1.Explain about network address translation(NAT).
2.Explain about MBONE with a neat diagram.
3.Explain about TCP features.
4.Explain about connection termination in using three-way handshaking.
5.Explain about DNS in the internet.
6.What are the services provided by a user agent.
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