Tuesday, 22 December 2015

How to prepare for Group Discussion and Personal Interview

How to Prepare for Group Discussion & Personal Interview
In short, the GD panel is testing whether you know the topic well, are able to present your point of view in a logical manner, are interested in understanding what others feel about the same subject and are able to conduct yourself with grace in a group situation.

Outlined are some tips and suggestions that will help you prepare well for

Group Discussion:  
  1. Train yourself to be a good listener. Develop the patience to listen attentively.
  2. Acknowledge that everyone has something valuable to say.
  3. When speaking in a GD, your job is to articulate your point of view in a way that is easy for others to comprehend.
  4. Inculcate the good habit of structuring your thoughts and presenting them logically.
  5. Writing essays on a variety of topics is good practice developing thought structure.
  6. The only way to prepare is to read more, develop a keen interest in current affairs.
  7. Seek opportunities to discuss these in groups.
  8. Learn to respect others for what they are.
  9. Learn to be open-minded and recognize the fact that people think differently about issues.
  10. Train your mind to think analytically.
  11. Your GD arguments should have ‘meat’.

Tips for Personal Interview

  1. Don’t start with the phrase – Myself XYZ – there’s no better way ti put the panel off.
  2. Getting into details about siblings and cousins – especially the one who seem to have done well. Panelists want to know about you, not about your extended family.
  3. Don’t cite – ‘making friends’ or ‘meeting new people’ – as a hobby. Wonder how one pursues a hobby like ‘meeting new people’!
  4. Don’t say things like – I studied this in my first year – as an excuse for not knowing more basic stuff related to their subject of study. The panel members study this about 20 years back – they still remember about it.


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