Saturday, 14 November 2015

software engineering important Quetions Unit Wise

Software Engineering

Btech StuFFs


  1.  Explain the evolving role of software? 
2 .Define software and explain the various characteristics of software? 
3 .Describe “Software myth”? Discuss on various types of software
myths and the true aspects of these myths?

4 Explain software Engineering? Explain the software engineering
5 Explain in detail the capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)? 
Describe with the help of the diagram discuss in detail waterfall
model. Give certain reasons for its failure?

7 Explain briefly on (a) the incremental model (b) The RAD Model? 
8) Explain the Spiral model in detail? 
Describe With the help of the diagram explain the concurrent
development model?

10 Explain unified process? Elaborate on the unified process work

11 Explain specialized process models?
12 Explain different software applications? 
13 Explain the paradigms do you think would be most effective? Why?
14 Explain product and process are related? 
15 Explain personal and team process models? 


Write short notes on user requirements. What are requirements? 
2 Compare functional requirements with nonfunctional requirements? 
3 Discuss system requirements in a detail manner? 
4 Explain requirement engineering process? 
5 Discuss briefly how requirement validation is done? 
Discuss your knowledge of how an ATM is used; develop a set of
use-cases that could serve as a basis for understanding the
requirements for an ATM system?
Explain SRS document and explain along with its contents?
15 Explain interface specification in detail? 
16 Discuss how requirements are felicitated and validated in software
17 Discuss how feasibility studies are important in requirement
engineering process?
18 Demonstrate class hierarchy for library by using interface

19 Explain inheritance model?
20 Explain state machine model with a suitable example? 


Explain a two level process? Why should system design be finished
before the detailed design, rather starting the detailed design after the
requirements specification? Explain with the help of a suitable

Discuss briefly the following fundamental concepts of software
i) Abstraction
ii) Modularity
iii) Information hiding

Explain briefly the following:
i) Coupling between the modules,
ii) The internal Cohesion of a module

Discuss the fundamental principles of structured design. Write notes
on transform analysis?

5 Explain software architecture in a detail manner?
Elaborate modeling component level design? 
18 Describe mapping data flow into software architecture? 
19 Explain the guide lines of component level design? 
20 Describe the way of conducting a component level design? 


Explain about the importance of test strategies for conventional
2 Discuss black box testing in a detailed view?
3 Compare black box testing with white box testing?
4 Compare validation testing and system testing? 
5 Discuss software quality factors? Discuss their relative importance?
6 Discuss an overview of quality metrics? 
7.Explain should we perform the Validation test – the software
developer or the software user? Justify your answer?
8 Explain about Product metrics? 
9.Demonstrate art of debugging 
 10 Dis cuss a framework for product metrics
11 Demonstrate metrics for analysis model 
12 List the metrics for the design model 
13. Describe metrics for source code and for testing


Explain about software risks? Knowledge 8
Elaborate the concepts of Risk management Reactive vs Proactive
Risk strategies?

3 Explain about RMMM Plan? 
4 Explain about Quality concepts? 
5 Explain software quality assurance? 
6 Explain about formal technical reviews? 
7 Explain in detail ISO 9000 quality standards?
8 Discuss risk refinement? 
9 Compare reactive with proactive risk strategies? 
10 Discuss software reliability? Understand 9
11 Briefly explain about formal approaches to SQA?
12 Demonstrate statistical SQA? 


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