Thursday, 19 November 2015

Principles of programming language important quetions unit wise

1.Explain in detail about various language evaluation criteria and the characteristics that affect them.
2. Explain the process of compilation.
3 Explain about various programming domains.
4 What are the factors that influence the basic design of programming languages?
5 Explain in detail about various language implementation methods.
6. Explain the Language categories.

1. Distinguish between language generators and language recognizers.
2 Give grammar for simple assignment statements.  Give an unambiguous grammar for if-then-else statement
3.Give BNF and EBNF versions of an expression grammar.
4. Explain about attribute grammars in detail
5.What do you mean by denotational semantic? Give denotational semantics of a simple logical loop.
6. What do you mean by axiomatic semantics? Give the weakest precondition for a sequence of statements
7.Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following assignment statements and post conditions:
a) a=2*(b-1)-1 {a>0}
b) b=(c+10)/3 {b>6}
c) a=a+2*b-1 {a>1}
d) x=2*y+x-1 {x>11}.
8. Distinguish between general language generator and general language recognizer.
9. Describe the basic concept of denotational semantics.

1 Distinguish between static scoping and dynamic scoping with an example.
2. Explain about user defined ordinal types.
3.Explain about associative arrays.
4. What do you mean by type coercion? Define narrowing and widening conversions
5. Distinguish between name type compatibility and structure type compatibility.
6. Define static, fixed stack-dynamic, stack-dynamic, fixed heap-dynamic and heap-dynamic arrays. What are the advantages of each?
7. Explain about subscript bindings and various array categories
8. Explain the concept of pointers.

1. Explain about iteration based on data structures.
2.What are guarded commands?
3.What do you mean by a functional side-effect?
4. What are the design issues of multiple selection constructs?
5What is a mixed mode expression?
6 What are the design issues for logically controlled loop statements
7.What are the design issues for selection structures?
8.What is a short-circuit evaluation?

9. Define functional side effect. How does operand evaluation order interact with functional side effects?

Explain the basic
primitives of LISP. Give suitable examples
Explain the operations that can be performed on atoms & lists in LISP
Discuss basic elements of LISP. Give ex
Write a lisp fn which computes nth Fibonacci number
Explain ML inferencing process
Explain about the
datatypes and their values in python.
What is the importance of module library in python.
What is the difference between a tuple and a list ?
Explain the main features of Imperative Languages.
Write a detail note on functions in ML.


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