JNTUH Most Wanted Quetions
1. Draw the energy band diagram of insulator, semiconductor and conductor.
2. Explain zener breakdown
3. Explain how depletion region is formed in PN junction diode.
4. Explain avalanche breakdown.
5. Explain Drift and Diffusion current in a diode.
6. Define rectifier. State its classification.
7. Explain the forward biasing of PN junction diode.
8. Explain avalanche breakdown.
9. Explain the reverse biasing of PN junction diode
10. Define transistor biasing.
11. Draw the circuit diagram of transistor used in CE configuration.
12. What are the basic conditions for transistor biasing?
13. What are the advantages of negative feedback?
14. Explain the difference between FET and BJT
15. Draw the input and output characteristic curves of CB configuration of a transistor?
16. State the application of UJT?
17. Explain the operation of DIAC when MT2 is negative with respect to MT1.
18. Draw the input and output characteristic curves of CE configuration of a transistor?
19. State the application of DIAC?
20. Define transistor biasing.
21. Draw the circuit of half wave rectifier and output waveform.
22. State Holding current and peak reverse voltage of SCR?
23. Draw the circuit of full wave rectifier and output waveform.
24. Draw the symbol of npn and pnp transistor?
25. State the application of JFET .
26. State De-Morgan’s Theorem.
27. What is a logic gate? What is meant by positive and negative logic?
28. What are the basic laws of Boolean Algebra.
29. Explain how OR and AND gate is derived from NAND gate.
30. Write the symbol and truth table for a) NOT, b) NAND and c) NOR gates
31. What is a shift register. Name the different types of shift register.
32. What is the primary disadvantage of asynchronous counter?
33. Explain the Associative and Distributive law of Boolean algebra.
34. What is the necessary of ADC.
35. Draw the full adder circuit .
36. What is the basic concept of D/A converter.
37. Convert (526.44) 10 = (?)2 and (1101101)2 = (?)10
38. Write the symbol and truth table of a) OR and b)AND gate
39. Draw the Half adder circuit .
40. What is a logic gate? What is meant by positive and negative logic.
41. What is a shift register. Name the different types of shift register
42. What is the primary disadvantage of asynchronous counter.
43. What is a logic gate? What is meant by positive and negative logic.
44. What is a shift register. Name the different types of shift register
45. Write the symbol and truth table of a) NOR and b)NOT gate.
46. What is asynchronous and synchronous counter.
47. What is the use of accumulator?
48. How instruction are classified according to their length. Give examples.
49. Explain JUMP instruction used in 8085.
50. Define Program Counter and ALU.
51. With example explain Direct addressing and Register addressing?
52. What is I/O mapped I/O.
53. What are the control signal pins of 8085,
54. What is the use of accumulator.
55. What are the different addressing modes of 8085 processor.
56. How are the instructions of 8085 classified?
57. Explain vectored and non vectored interrupt.
58. State the difference between JUMP and CALL instruction used in 8085.
59. Define Program Counter and ALU.
60. How are the instructions of 8085 classified?
61. Explain vectored and non vectored interrupt.
62. What is memory mapped I/O.
63. Define stack pointer .
Explain the operation of PN junction diode under forward and reverse biasing. Also
draw its V-I characteristics.
With a neat sketch, explain the working of i) Centre tap full wave rectifier ii) Bridge full
wave rectifier.
Explain the operation and characteristic of common emitter configuration with diagram.
With neat diagram explain the working principle and VI characteristic of SCR.
Design the circuits of half adder and full adder with the help of their truth tables
With neat diagram explain the operation of RS and JKMS flipflop.
Explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with neat sketch
Explain the various addressing modes of 8085 with examples.
Write an 8085 assembly language program to find the square of an 8-bit number.
Explain the I/O interfacing using decode logic for input and output ports
Explain 8085 microprocessor based stepper motor control.
Explain the operation of Zener diode under forward and reverse biasing. Also draw its V-I
With a neat sketch, explain the working of half wave rectifier. Also derive the ripple factor and
efficiency .
Explain the operation of npn transistor with neat diagram. Explain transistor biasing
With neat diagram explain the construction and working principle of TRIAC.
Explain the realization of other gates using NAND gate.
With neat diagram explain four bit asynchronous up counter.
Explain the pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor with neat sketch
Explain the arithmetic instruction of 8085 with examples.
Write an 8085 assembly language program to add two 8-bit number.
Explain the output device interfacing with 8085 processor
Explain 8085 microprocessor based stepper motor control.
Explain the operation of Zener diode under forward and reverse biasing. Also draw its V-I
With a neat sketch, explain the working of full wave rectifier. Also derive the ripple factor and
efficiency .
Describe the input and output characteristics of common emitter transistor with circuit
diagram and graphs
With neat diagram explain the construction and working principle of DIAC.
Explain the realization of other gates using NOR gate.
With neat diagram explain the shift register.
Explain the status signals of 8085. Also discuss about various interrupts of 8085
Explain the various logical instruction of 8085 with examples.
Explain the input device interfacing with 8085 processor
Explain 8085 microprocessor based temperature control system.
Explain the n-type and p-type semiconductor with neat diagram
With a neat sketch, explain the working of Bridge rectifier and centre tapped rectifier.
Explain the construction, working principle and characteristic of JFET.
With neat diagram explain the construction and working principle of SCR.
Explain the Logic gates with symbol and truth table.
What is Universal gate.
With neat diagram explain operation of R-2R ladder D/A converter.
Explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with neat sketch
Explain the various data transfer instruction of 8085 with examples.
Explain the input device interfacing with 8085 processor
Explain 8085 microprocessor based traffic light control system.
Explain the n-type and p-type semiconductor with neat diagram
Explain the operation and characteristic of common emitter configuration with neat diagram.
With neat diagram explain the construction and working principle of TRIAC.
State and prove Demorgan’s Theorems
Construct AND and NAND gates using NOR gate and explain its operation.
With neat diagram explain operation of successive approximation A/D converter.
Explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor with neat sketch
Explain the various addressing modes of 8085 with examples.
Write an 8085 assembly language program to find the subtraction of two 8-bit number
Explain the I/O interfacing using decode logic for input and output ports
Explain 8085 microprocessor based traffic light control system.
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